Driving Economic Growth and Opportunity Around the Savannah River Site
Our Mission
The SRS Community Reuse Organization, Inc. (SRSCRO) is a regional 501c(3) non-profit serving a five county region of South Carolina and Georgia – Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell counties in South Carolina and Richmond (Augusta) and Columbia counties in Georgia. The SRSCRO was established to provide leadership for promoting the common economic interests and benefits of the residents, businesses and industries and to support stable and balanced economic growth throughout the service area by serving as an economic development support organization and serving as a unified voice for our service area as it relates to missions and activities impacting the Savannah River Site.
Catalyzing Regional Opportunity
We facilitate economic development opportunities associated with Savannah River Site technology, capabilities and serve as an informed, unified community voice for the five-county, two-state SRSCRO Region.
The SRSCRO is governed by a 22-member Board of Directors (11 from GA and 11 from SC). The Board is appointed by local governments, chambers of commerce, economic development, and members of the South Carolina and Georgia Congressional Delegations. The two states are equally represented with 11 board members each, and the chairperson rotates between the states on a two-year term.

Cal Wray
Augusta Economic Development Authority (GA)

Dr. Forest Mahan
SRSCRO Vice Chair
Aiken Technical College (SC)

Anne Rice
SRSCRO Treasurer (SC)

Karyn Nixon
SRSCRO Secretary
Augusta University (GA)

Dr. Daniel Heimmermann
Executive Committee Member At-Large
University of South Carolina Aiken (SC)

Lane Keen
Executive Committee Member At-Large
Keen Signs &Graphics (GA)

Will Williams
SRSCRO Immediate Past Chair
Western SC Economic Development Partnership (SC)

Dr. Tom Clark
CSRA Alliance for Fort Eisenhower

Cheney Eldridge
Development Authority of Columbia County

Russell Lahodny
Columbia County Chamber of Commerce

Angie Cox
Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce

Edmond Thompson

Rick Toole
Alfred Benesch & Company

Dr. Jermaine Whirl
Augusta Technical College

Reagan Williams
Meybohm Real Estate

Cal Wray
Augusta Economic Development Authority

Karyn Nixon
SRSCRO Secretary
Augusta University

Lane Keen
Executive Committee Member At-Large
Keen Signs & Graphics

Danny Black
Southern Carolina Alliance

Terra Carroll
North Augusta Chamber of Commerce

Fred Humes
Applied Research Center

Bobby Lawrence

Bill Robinson

Chuck Smith
Edward Jones Investments

Jim Tunison
Greater Aiken Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Forest Mahan
SRSCRO Vice Chair
Aiken Technical College

Anne Rice
SRSCRO Treasurer

Dr. Daniel Heimmermann
Executive Committee Member At-Large
University of South Carolina Aiken

Will Williams
SRSCRO Immediate Past Chair
Western SC Economic Development Partnership